Monday, October 22, 2012

FUN Day with my Girl:)

Last weekend I got some good quality time with M. I really hadn't had much time just the two of us, especially since L was born. On Saturday I took M to her friends birthday/ skating party- she skated ALL afternoon- 3 hours! Poor thing was worn out after 2.5 hours of gymnastics in the morning and then skating all afternoon. Then Sunday M and I had some more Mommy and M time; we went to the Amer. Gi.rl Fas.hi.on Sh.ow/ te.a par.ty, we had a lot of fun together but I was not impressed with the food at all, it was not kid friendly or at least I didn't think so. We went to the noon time show, and they served, a small square sandwich (bread and turkey); a few raw veggies and dip; a small cracker with a dollop of chicken salad, fruit skewers, brownie and a cookie. Now I know I have a picky eater however I think they could have done better and served MORE for what we paid. Needless to say we left hungry and had a busy afternoon ahead with M's last v-ball game- she did AWESOME got 3 serves in a row over:) and then it was on to her gi.rl sc.out mtg. I was so thankful for some good quality time with M:) I am looking forward to MORE M and Mommy time this week when the Ke.ll.ogg's tou.r of rolls into town- just the two of us are going, and from what I can tell we have really good seats:)

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